Hey there everyone!
I apologize for the fact that I have posted NOTHING in a month. With all the preparations for Ireland, and tying up loose ends with work, I just let all blogging cease for a while. Man, it's really hard to get myself back into it too. For the past few days I keep telling myself to blog, but I have been lazy. That could be because we just got back from Ireland on Sunday and me being tired. hehe!
I'm sure many of you are wanting to hear about our Ireland trip! I will definitely be posting about that quite a bit. There is too much to post at once....so, it will be installments. We took over 2800 photos and have narrowed them down to the best of the best. It was such an incredible trip and I know ALL the students were so excited about the experience.
So, this morning, while we were watering our garden, I discovered something that made me so excited and yell for TJ. I have a hanging Impatiens plant on our front porch. When I pulled it down this morning to check on it, I found 4 bird eggs in a nest!!!! It was incredible. I had never seen that before and was so excited that a little bird decided to guard her eggs in my flowers. TJ had no idea why I was yelling for him....but then quickly was excited too. haha.
I just LOVE the fact that there are bird eggs on my front porch. I will now start spying on the eggs and keep track of the growth. Ironically, yesterday afternoon, I found half of a blue robin egg shell in someones yard and got excited about that. Coincidence?
Anyway, I hope to hear from you guys and look forward to keeping up on my blog reading and writing. Leave me some comments and let me know what your summer plans are? I cannot wait to go to the beach with the whole family!!

totally excited your back!!