I know, I know, it has been entirely too long since I have updated my blog. TJ and I have been busy getting a lot of things in order for Charlotte Photography & lots of photo shoots. So, basically, since life isn't going to slow down much anytime soon, I just need to schedule in blogging time. Believe it or not this is my second blog post tonight - check out my first one at Charlotte Photography's blog. I added some teaser photos from Jason & Kate's wedding.
Alrighty, so the photos below are of dinner the other night. You know those days where you absolutely do not feel like cooking a huge meal? Yeah, I know them well. On those days, breakfast is one of the best foods to make...and it's so quick. While I was cooking the eggs and french toast, I had the urge to make the table look pretty. Most of the time TJ and I always eat dinner at our coffee table - sad huh? lol. I decided to get out some of my favorite plates and bowls and make it look fun. Most of all the dishes I purchased from Value Village.