Day 9: February 2, 2012
We were in Virginia for a worship conference, Throne Zone, and TJ was apart of the band. One of my favorite things is to watch and listen to TJ play music.
Day 10: February 3, 2012
One of the 3 amazing backup singers.
Day 11: February 4, 2012
This little girl brought me so much joy through her dancing. It was powerful!
Day 12: February 5, 2012
And what's a trip without a self portrait in an elevator? LoL
Day 13: February 6, 2012
The sunset was BEAUTIFUL the other night.
Day 14: February 7, 2012
I have started allowing Finnegan to sleep in the bed with us. I know that is probably a huge no-no in some peoples houses. But, hey, as long as he is clean...why not?
Day 15: February 8, 2012
Yesterday my friend Beka and I got together to make some Valentine garland for an upcoming tea party we are having. I was SOOOO happy how this turned out. It was so fun to make. Thank you, Pinterest!

We are wondering if Zoey is jealous of Finnegan sleeping in your bed and not her...and what about Jack (Mike's best dog friend)!!!!!!!!!!:O)